welcome to ghostpacket.
ghostpacket is my little personal website where I write about things that I like, things that I do, and some other things that I feel proud of.
i am another internet person who bases their entire personality in the fact that they code, i really like low-level stuff, i want to spend my entire life writing kernels, compilers, emulators, and in general, free software.
i invite you to explore the page through the header's menu, there you can find more things inside this website ≧◡≦
if you're here, thank you! i appreciate it a lot. here i will write about things that i like, i really liked how Tanenbaum wrote Minix, and an entire book of how he did it, so if i ever code something cool, i'll do the same, i'll write a huge entry of how i did it, going through each of the lines of code of that project.
as i also learn by teaching, you will entries here about several things that i learn, data structures, algorithms, sockets, multithreading, ipc, c, scheme, assembly, and things like that.
the "official" languages of this website are C, Assembly, and Scheme. basically, you will only find content about those languages here. haskell, and perl might be supported later (if i decide to learn them.)
if that's what you're into, let me tell you that you are so cool, let's be frens, and if not, let's be frens too!